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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  March 15, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> exactly. you would know. also, take a look at this, everybody, what i have in my hand, a brand-new samsung phone. it's got all these amazing features, one is called air gesture which if i wave my hand it will scroll up. another called smart pause watching a video. if i look away it notices my eyeballs and pauses. >> it's getting crazy. >> i know. we'll have everything on the new phone. >> really happening. >> heating up. >> knows how you like your toast. >> it does. makes me a great cup of coffee. all right, also coming up this morning, everybody, a big win for the 11-year-old girl who just found out she can play football again. you may not have known but she had been told she couldn't keep playing with all the boys team so why did the decision get repealed? we'll explain. >> looking forward to that. but right to that river rescue in south dakota with josh. >> yeah, we're going to go right there. the search overnight.
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two people rescued a young 6-year-old boy from a raging river in south dakota and then disappeared in a massive sea of whipped foam whipped by unrelenting currents. abc's rob nelson has been following developments all night long. good morning to you. >> it really was the ultimate bravery on display. two good samaritans jumping in to save a young boy's life but the real drama was only just beginning. as the ice melts on the big sioux river, the water is filled with chemicals, churning with ice particles creating a thick foam making for dangerous circumstances. a 6-year-old boy who was peering into the river slipped and fell into the frothy water thursday evening. two onlookers jumped in to save the boy from the foam engulfing him. the two men were able to grab the boy but his two heroes are nowhere to be seen. >> three of us had him and he had the kid with him, but just slipped. just slipped. >> crews are now desperately
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searching for those two good samaritans who saved the little boy's life. >> we are happened to notice somebody down there reaching into the foam and we could see they were holding on to somebody trying to pull him out. >> overnight crews in sioux falls, south dakota, searched but ice in the water and other factors complicated the search. >> there's a lot of foam from the water that has to be dispersed and that's creating quite a bit of problem right now. >> reporter: bystanders who witnessed the accident say they tried everything to help. >> still wish there was something i could have done. >> all of that foam you saw comes from chemicals wash into that river like fertilizers. firefighters have been called in to try to disperse some of it but making matters worse the temperature of that water is hovering right around freezing. >> a tough story and updates all morning long. another breaking story from miami where a large screen came crashing to a stage while crews
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were setting it up for a weekend music festival. four workers injured, two trapped under the screen are in critical condition at this hour. engineers will now inspect all stages at that venue. president obama is now putting a timetable on iran's nuclear program. the president told an israeli tv station he believes iran is more than a year away now from developing a nuclear weapon. he said the u.s. is trying to diplomatically resolve the standoff, but plans to do whatever is necessary to stop them from getting a weapon. his comments now come less than a week before his first official visit to israel. health concerns this morning for more than 1 million people who have lived and worked at camp lejeune military base in north carolina. test results confirm water at the camp was contaminated for more than 30 years from the 1940s into the mid '80s with pollution up to 150 times higher than what's safe. former residents have reported a range of cancers and other ailments. and near orlando a school
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bus driver says he wasn't thinking leaving his students alone on the bus, key in the ignition so he could run and grab breakfast. several minutes later, there he is back with the bagel and a soft drink. he has now been fired. yes. a stunning sight off hawaii. rescuers lending a helping hand to a humpback whale tangled in fishing line. if you take a close look it took the team several days but they did finally manage to remove the more than 200 feet of rope allowing the whale to swim free. not actually pictured in these pictures, sam champion in a wet suit. >> well, it was a sea rescue. >> it was, indeed. >> carnival needs you, as well. ed have the now trouble for carnival cruise lines. two more ships unable to complete their cruises one stranding more than 4,000 passengers. gio benitez tracking the ships moving all too slowly and, boy, gio, carnival can't catch a break. >> not a fun day in that
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management office. both are on the water. one stuck in the caribbean. the other is slowly trying to get back to the u.s. so many saying this morning not again. overnight abc news has learned that yet another carnival ship is in troubled waters, the carnival "legend" off the coast of honduras this morning. it is unable to sail at its optimal speed because of technical difficulty. carnival tells abc news that the "legend" has canceled its visit to grand cayman and now returning to its home port of tampa. some 1500 miles away, the carnival "dream" and its nearly 4500 passengers are finding themselves stranded in st. maarten after the ship's emergency generator malfunctioned on the last leg of the seven-day cruise. chris anderson is on the ship with his family. >> people are obviously upset, disappointed but it seems like in general most folks are going with the flow. >> reporter: carnival says the ship hasn't lost power but admits there were interruptions to elevators and toilets.
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for a few hours wednesday night. it has people thinking about carnival's "triumph" where just weeks ago passengers were sleeping in tents on the deck, toilets overflowing, no power. little food. >> you know what i thought, everyone gave me a hard time when i was booking this cruise saying "i can't believe you're going on a carnival after what happened with the "triumph." what are the odds it's going to happen again, right? and then look at us now. >> reporter: we asked carnival those planning a spring break why trust them? the company's reply "we provide enjoyable vacations to 4.5 million people each year. it is important to remember that in neither instance was guest and crew safety compromised." ♪ >> reporter: and thursday night carnival flew grammy winning singer john secada on to the ship to perform for stranded passengers. >> thank god that i wasn't far away to be here tonight to sing for everybody here on board. >> reporter: and starting today, the passengers of the "dream" will be flown to florida,
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they'll receive partial refunds for the days they missed out on and get half off of their next vacation. >> hmm. >> there you go. thanks, gio. >> thank you, gio. we'll turn to the latest on pope francis and showed you that remarkable photo of him riding the bus with the cardinals coming back from mass in the sistine chapel. and now he's planning to meet with the former pope in the next few days. these are live pictures of him at this moment meeting with the cardinals, each of them, one by one. abc's ron claiborne is covering it all for us in vatican city this morning. good morning, ron. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you, elizabeth. and that planned meeting with the former pope, the retired pope benedict, one of quite a few gestures of humility from the new pope in just his first 36 hour, in fact, one italian newspaper is calling it a revolution of small gestures. [ applause ] >> reporter: this morning just a short while ago, pope francis was greeted with a standing ovation when he arrived at the
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sala clementina with an audience with the vatican. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> reporter: but he spent his first hours as pope much like anyone else foregoing the papal limousine to ride in a minivan ceiling posted on twitter. cardinal wilfred napier tweeting "coming from mass in sistine chapel, switched official car for a bus carrying cardinals. in morning slips into chapel to pray without any fuss." and the new pontiff chose to return to the casa del clero and the guest house where he had been staying in home and insisted on paying his own bill. and this morning, he visited his new home, the papal apartment at the vatican. back in his native argentina, this buenos aires woman amalia says she was a childhood friend of jorge bergoglio. "one day he sent me a letter
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telling me he was going to build me a house, that we would get married. he said to me if i don't marry you i'll become a priest." and another gesture from the new pope, francis, well, he hasn't been wearing those famous red leather shoes that his predecessor wore. those who know him say he is unlikely to change to those red shoes, plain black shoes, elizabeth, will do for him. >> all right, no surprise there. thank you very much, ron. >> we got a different story. that sexual assault trial in ohio where two high school football players have been charged for what they did to a 16-year-old girl who was too drunk to know what was going on. text, tweets and video were at the center of the testimony and alex perez is covering it from steubenville. good morning, alex. >> reporter: well, good morning, george. this case ignited a firestorm on social media across the country. prosecutors say the 16-year-old girl was too drunk to give consent. evidence presented in court showed she didn't even learn what allegedly happened to her until the following due through
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text messages. in court thursday, attorneys sparred through nearly 12 hours of testimony. according to text messages admitted as evidence it wasn't until the day after the incident that the 16-year-old girl learned she had allegedly been sexually assaulted. oh, my god, she wrote in a text. tell me this isn't true. you were like dead said a friend as he described how intoxicated the teen seemed the night before. she later tells him, wait, i think i was drugged. i have no memory after i left. defense attorneys claim a toxicology report performed the day later showed no signs of drugs, but those texts along with dozens of other crude messages about the girl are just some of what prosecutors are using to build their case against trent mays and malik richmond, the high school football standouts are accused of sexually assaulting her after a wild night of partying last august. according to testimony, mayes sent the 16-year-old's girl's father a text message after the allegations surfaced saying this
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is all a big misunderstanding. her and i talked at the time. she was really drunk. i never once tried to do anything forcibly with your daughter. this case exploded when this photo tweet and video talking about the alleged incident were posted online by someone who had witnessed it. an exclusive interview with abc's elizabeth vargas richmond says the girl was a willing participant in the picture and denies any wrongdoing. >> i didn't rape anybody. i didn't witness a rape going on and if i would have thought that somebody was being raped or anything like that, i would have stopped it. >> reporter: and testimony continues today. a number of teenagers who were at the parties in question are expected to be called to the witness stand. george? >> okay. alex, thanks very much. that party got out of control, i guess. >> it was. all right, now to the escalating battle between samsung and apple over which company has the better smartphone. samsung is debuting a brand-new model, it did so last night,
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does things that no other phone on the market can and darren rovell is here with the latest. >> it is amazing. a lot of features. apple might be one of the hottest brands in the world but facing a legitimate challenge in the smartphone market that just might have gotten a whole lot tougher. ♪ it was quite an unveiling for samsung last night. the star of the show, the company's latest entry in the ultra competitive smartphone market. >> ladies and gentlemen, the samsung galaxy s4. >> reporter: it's loaded with features that its chief competitor apple doesn't offer, one called air gesture allows users to scroll up and down by simply waving a hand over the phone. there's also smart pause which uses facial recognition software to determine if you're looking at the phone. if you're watching a video and turn away, the video will stop and resume when you bring your eyes back to the phone.
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samsung and apple own nearly 70% of the u.s. smartphone market with apple holding a slight edge at last count. >> eight out of every ten mobile phones purchased now being smartphones, the cream of the crop are duking it out for your dollars. >> i think this new phone is definitely going to fuel up the war between apple and samsung. >> reporter: in an ongoing legal battle left samsung owing apple $598 million for infringing on six patents. but don't expect samsung to be scared off by big data. last year when the galaxy s3 was unveiled they dialed up the hate and attacked apple. >> they should have a priority line for people who waited five times. >> we won't know if that works but it's got people talking about samsung. >> reporter: being part of that conversation is a necessary step towards unseeding the mighty apple.
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bigger and thinner, there's one feature that has -- there's been a lot of misconceptions about it, the eye scroll, whether you can scroll with your eyes. you actually have to tilt it up for the text to move up so that -- the feature where -- you can't really see as you're moving -- >> you can't? >> not with your eyes. it has to be tilted but if you do go away from the screen it will pause as you said before. we had a twitter poll people saying the apple 2-1 margin in our twitter poll. >> but, who knows what. >> a lot of features, will they get you to buy. >> competition great. thanks. the big win for the 11-year-old philadelphia girl who wants to play football with the boys. the archbishop of philadelphia has reversed the decision to keep their catholic youth league boys only after a huge online campaign for her. john schriffen has the story. >> reporter: this is the moment caroline pla realized she finally scored the big win. >> yay! >> reporter: the 11-year-old found out she could play
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football again after the archbishop of philadelphia said she couldn't be on an all-boys team. >> the part i love about football so much is that my friends, they're all like my brothers now and they're all my teammates and we just have such a great time on that team i can't imagine not being on the team anymore. >> get him. >> reporter: for the past two seasons she played in the catholic youth organization football team where you can see the sixth grader had no problem fitting in. when sidelined by a technicality pla tightened her chin strap and pushed to get back out there. >> i don't want to be treated like i'm not one of them but how they would treat a boy. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: she gained national attention appearing on "ellen" even starting a petition on that got more than 100,000 signatures. >> go. >> reporter: then thursday the league reversed its decision saying "the archdiocese will allow for co-ed participation in
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cyo football effective in the 2013 season." >> to people who supported me i want to say thank you because every single signature on that petition, every single person that said i support caroline really helped. >> reporter: and she has this message for other young girls. >> you should be able to play and now you can so you should play if you want to. >> reporter: for "good morning america," john schriffen, abc news, new york. >> good luck to caroline. that's great. >> good for her. >> sam? >> have i said happy friday yet? it feels like it's one of those days to say happy friday. i'm not sure. we'll start with pictures of ice jams going on in the midwest. there are about 52 river gauges showing they're at moderate to minor flooding. the rivers are coming down but temperatures going back and forth. this came from twitter from cedar rapids, iowa, big ice on the river that means there won't be an awful lot of flooding as they continue to freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw. so we get more snow. minneapolis, chicago, detroit, erie, new york, philly, you're
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right on the edge of it, flurry activity. chicagoland not getting a lot either. here's a big story in the west, record high temperatures. thermal, california, 100. palm springs, 97. phoenix at 95. it was kind of unbelievable. palm springs, coachella valley coming in at the 97-degree mark. crazy temperatures and that heat continues. albuquerque at 77. denver at 87 degrees. that's the weather around the nation. your local forecast 30 seconds away. first this morning your weekend get away brought to you by purina dog chow.
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and coming up on "gma," a dramatic twist in the "the price is right" lawsuit, while a multimillion dollar judgment awarded to one of the show's models was just overturned. the video of a parachuter free falling from 8,000 feet. you won't believe what happened when he hit the ground. america's reality sweetheart up close this morning. ♪
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an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and direction at ♪ [ male announcer ] get special offers like this throughout the store at lowe's spring black friday event. >> now from abc7 news. happening now hundreds of waste management workers are on strike in the east bay. workers walked off the job at facilityies in in oakland and san leandro at 3:00 this morning over what they claim are abuses of employee rights by company recycling employees. no word on how it affects
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garbage pickup by driver whose say they will not cross the line. sue, how is the commute? >> we have a beautiful pink sky and barely a backup, that is what we call friday lite with a situation with a bigwig and a delivery truck and the big rig is moved off and the delivery truck is at lucky drive and ace train number three delay at eight minutes. >> when we come back our
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>> we are looking at temperatures at 41 in fremont and novato on the cool side and 50 at half moon bay and antioch is at 52 on the warm side. temperatures today are anywhere from three to nine degrees warmer-than-average away from the coast where you will be stuck in the 50's. mid-60's to 70 around the bay and low-to-mid 70's inland and cooler and breezy this
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so, we have to do the show. >> why are you sucking up for? >> mama june can't get away with anything right there. you see honey boo boo. woe went down, a little "harlem shake." amy robach had fun with her. really had some fun with her. ♪ >> we heard a lot from honey boo boo and mama june. we'll have all of it coming up in just a bit. >> you know that on the reid show a l reality show they have to subtitle her. >> i did not know that. >> i'm embarrassed but i watched the show a couple of times. >> we'll see. >> oh. hello. i'm elizabeth vargas. also ahead this morning we'll have a story that's pretty unbelievable. a skydiver who plunged 8,000 feet to earth after both of his parachutes failed. we've got his astonishing story. you can see the video from another skydiver's helmet cam.
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it's amazing he survived this. >> oh. >> lived to tell his story. to be sure. also, speaking of viral videos we are going inside a host of them. bizarre highway accidents. >> oh. >> drive cams very popular there and, boy, look what they -- look what they end up covering. >> can you tell us everyone is okay. >> yes, please tell us everyone is okay. >> it always makes me feel good when you say that. thank you. brooke burke charvet opening up in an interview saying why she doesn't want to look like a 25-year-old anymore. she has nothing to worry about. she'll explain. >> right to that twist in "the price is right" lawsuit. a judge overturned a $7.7 million verdict awarded to one of the show's models who said she was discriminated against and ultimately fired because she got pregnant. now that judgment has been overturned on a technicality. abc's paula faris is here with the latest. >> that original judge didn't
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properly instruct the jury, thus, a retrial has been ordered. but the model still believes she has a strong case and says she is in it for the long haul. >> the lovely brandi. >> reporter: it seems the verdict wasn't right for a california judge who ordered a new trial in the discrimination claim of former "the price is right" model brandi cochran. ♪ >> reporter: last november the 41-year-old won $7.7 million in her lawsuit against "the price is right" productions and its producers arguing she was discriminated against after she became pregnant and wrongfully terminated following her maternity leave in 2010. >> i would not have lost my job if i hadn't gotten pregnant. >> reporter: well, the case is going back to court after defense attorneys argued the trial judge made instructional and prejudicial errors in his instructions to the jury by failing to say discrimination must be a substantial motivating factor for termination. overnight the show's producers who appealed the first verdict
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told abc news, "we are pleased that the judge vacated the improper verdict in the cochran trial. we look forward to fully vindicating our position in this case." but cochran's attorney says there was no mistake made. >> the evidence will prove to another jury that this discrimination occurred. >> i'm not giving up because i really -- i believe in what i'm fighting for. >> reporter: the former miss usa who was pregnant with twins tragically lost her son after birth and her daughter katie who is now 4 years old was born with significant health problems. >> i want to be able to look at katie one day and say, katie, sometimes you have to stand up for things in life and it's going to be hard but you have to stick in there and not give up. >> reporter: the new date for the trial has not been set. but cochran says she will continue to fight for what is right. >> i think the evidence is there and we'll just have to prove it again. >> now, cochran was originally awarded $7.7 million.
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upon retrial her attorney expects her to get triple or quadruple that amount but as alluded to she believes she would still have that job if she had not gotten pregnant. >> let's bring in "gma" legal analyst dan abrams. basically it was overturned because the judges failed to say one word in jury instructions. you say it's more than a technicality. >> it's the ultimate legal technicality but really important legal technicality because you're talking about the difference between pregnancy being a motoring separating in why she was fired or not hired versus it being a substantial motivating factor. >> but isn't it illegal to hire or fire anybody because they're pregnant for any reason? >> well, not -- it depends on what level meaning in this case and in california based on this new ruling from the california supreme court has to have been a substantial reason meaning if it's one of a number of reasons saying, well, we believe it was this and this and this and this and let's say it was 80% -- >> why even throw in the pregnancy and just say it was
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this, this and this and the pregnancy had nothing to do with it. >> the defense is that. the can he is what does the jury find and the point is that in essence the jury played by the wrong set of rules. when they applied the standard and it really is a big difference. remember the difference in a criminal and civil case, we say the difference between proof beyond a reasonable doubt versus just more likely than not and it makes an enormous difference in verdicts when you're talking about those different kinds of stand darts. >> what are her chances to win again in the retrial. >> it will be tougher. i don't know what her lawyer is talking about hoping to get four times as much. in this case they asked for 8 million and got 7.7 million and they're talking about it's some sort of victory and a new trial. >> and more money. >> maybe they will but the notion that this is somehow a victory for the defense is ridiculous. >> just sort of raised the bar. >> and now have to go through the process and expense of trying it again, again, $7.7 million on an $8 million request, pretty good. >> dan abrams, thanks. we'll turn to that horrifying skydiving accident
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caught on tape. both parachutes failed and an 8,000-foot drop and amazingly craig stapleton survived and neal karlinsky has his story. >> reporter: craig stapleton, write there below the skydiver wearing the camera, has just broken off from his partner while trying to perform a stunt. at 5800 feet, a disaster is unfolding. his parachute is tangled. he flips, when he pulls his emergency chute, it goes straight into the tangled canopy. >> i pretty much figured i was dead. i mean nothing has gone right from the second i left the plane, nothing has gone right and i just need one thing to go right. can i just get one thing? >> reporter: this is what he had been trying, that's him in the top position during a previous trick jump. it is an incredibly complex and dangerous maneuver where two skydivers link together, unfurl a flag and fly with it draped between them. only this time the 51-year-old dentist and veteran of 7,000
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jumps has to cut the flag away to save his life. >> i was thinking about my wife and kids and what was going to happen to them and, you know, even if i lived it was going to be a big lifestyle change for all of us and, you know, i was just really sorry that i wasn't, you know, there to say good-bye to them. >> reporter: at 30 miles per hour he slammed into what turned out to be pretty soft freshly plowed dirt. and of all things a row of grapes at a vineyard. his jump partner, a nurse, couldn't believe her eyes. >> i was pretty worried, you know, i thought i was watching my friend about to die. >> god, buddha, allah, baby jesus, guardian angel, somebody, somebody was watching out for me. >> reporter: he's sore but otherwise fine. not a single serious injury and no reason he says not to jump again, just as soon as he can. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> someone was watching out for him. >> yes. >> wow. >> i agree.
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all except for the jump again. >> yeah, give it up. >> just let -- >> stop while you're ahead. >> happy friday, everybody. we'll start with a beautiful shot out of wabc. if you're visiting new york and not watching wabc, the power of the biggest city in america, then unplug the tv set. we say you're just wasting power. >> wow. >> wabc is the deal. >> you are -- >> i'm just saying, 25 is the windchill. it's a little chilly from the great lakes into new england. check out boston windchill at about 7, in the single digits. what, spring is next week? doesn't feel like it. atlanta, 38. some milder air does start to swing in. phoenix got about 95 degrees. that's a record. a record again today. some of that milder air will start to spread across the south just like this. still places like dallas/ft. worth, i think it's also houston, as well, well down into the deep south of texas and new orleans, atlanta, all getting some milder temperatures but it's going to take some time for the great la
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>> all that weather was brought to you by zyrtec. josh, elizabeth, george. >> thank you. coming up highway confidential, how do so many of these bizarre accidents where drivers walk away, how are they caught on camera in the first place. >> julianne ochhough. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one
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hey, welcome back, everybody. 7:43 and now have one of the hottest crazes online. the videos captured on cars' dashboard cameras, bizarre and crazy accidents where drivers walk away. i know, it's tough to look at. they go viral instantly. abc's nick watt has been tracking this phenomenon. >> reporter: like russia, car, into youtube and watch what pops up. >> yes. >> reporter: hundreds and hundreds of big hits. near-misses, some extremely poor judgme judgment. and what just might be divine intervention.
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>> what and why are russians such bad drivers? judging by what we saw on the internet, bad roads, i'm judging, bad cars and perhaps a little vodka might all contribute to some truly atrocious driving. some others seen on youtube, moving haystacks, tanks, but why do so many russians have cameras mounted on their dashboards recording all this highway involve vok. >> it goes really -- too many stupid people. >> reporter: eugeney says to show who is to blame is to have everything on tape. >> this camera protects me from other people and police. >> reporter: the dash cam is now as u bbiquitous as a gps on dashboards.
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>> drive in russia is always fun. >> reporter: we saved the best fun for last. this video seen by millions somehow, somehow his only injury, broken ribs. now, you can watch it on youtube or you could come to russia, hire a car and see for yourself. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news. >> very relaxing with your breakfast, i know. i'm so nervous, but it is unbelievable and you can see more of these unbelievable tales from the road tonight on "highway confidential" a special "20/20" right here on abc. coming up, here she comes, honey boo boo, our interview with the reality show sweetheart and mama june. >> and then "play of the day," wait till you see what superstar drops by the set old start with the best. use only natural ingredients.
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because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. because that's what it really means you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. there's nothing mini about me. i'm huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffled):...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. they're for show & tell. wasn't that yesterday? yup, but the class wants me to do it again. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker learned early on
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just how irresistible their jam really is. i shoulda brought more. [ male announcer ] with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. ♪ [ male announcer ] get special offers like this throughout the store at lowe's spring black friday event. right then, here's the "play of the day".
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>> he's back. >> well done then. >> hey, welcome, josh elliott. >> you know what, we all learned you're so good at what you do. >> it is almost completely good to be back. >> almost. >> great. >> you know what i miss, steve carell. i got to see it over there, terrific. >> of course, he joined us earlier this week. there he was. >> of course, interesting experience, the meteorologist "anchorman" currently shooting but he also stopped by my alma mater, "sportscenter" on thursday and he had some breaking news about espn's nfl crack reporter adam schefter. take a look. >> i just learned that adam schefter is a liar and he's been making all this stuff up about football the entire time. my sources around the league say that adam just makes all this stuff up and then he goes and tweets it out and the players and teams just go along with whatever adam tells them to do. can you believe that?
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-- story and i'm going to tweet about it and put it on facebook and instagram and myspace and google. tell the entire world. >> really, steve? really. >> steve, take us out with some top plays, won't you? >> bingo. >> it's going to be friday. >> that ham is tasty. >> somebody's in my ear. >> that ham is tasty? i say, "it's breakfast time, not playtime." "there's fruit, milk and i'm putting a little nutella on your whole-wheat toast." funny, that last part gets through. [ male announcer ] serving nutella is quick and easy. its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. okay, plates in the sink, grab your backpacks -- [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. i took my son fishing every year.
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we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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[ kids ] yes! it's better to be fast to not be bitten by a werewolf and then you'll be turned into one and you will have to stay in and then you'll have to get shaved because you will be too hot and then you're like... [ growling ] which means i wish i was back to a human. what? [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. faster is better. and at&t is the nation's fastest 4g lte network for your iphone 5. ♪ ♪ and watch it surround you ♪ when we sail into the sun ♪ into the suuuun...
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♪ when we sail into the sun ♪ into the suuuun... ♪ sail into the sun [ angry gibberish ] [ justin ] mulligan sir. mulligan. take a mulligan. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is, a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ angry gibberish ] [ fake coughs ] sorry that was my fault sir. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus severe sinus. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ male announcer ] try alka seltzer plus severe sinus day and night for complete relief from your worst sinus symptoms.
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>> now from abc7 news, good morning, i am kristen z. san francisco police are investigating a taxicab carjacking early this morning. officers fired at the suspect after he rammed a police car. a chase followed and officers were able to locate the man and arrest the man. our meteorologist, mike nicco, checks out forecast. mike? >> temperatures are starting in the 40's in every neighbor but 55 in pittsburg and financial district is 52. this afternoon, we will be warm, again, with low-to-mid 70's around the bay and mid-60's to 70's. st. patrick's day is dry. >> a problem eastbound 37, toward 80 with an accident at fair grounds drive off to the
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right shoulder with traffic slowing right around the parkway and the roller coasters. >> the news
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good morning, america. harlem shake. ♪ >> you heard that right. this is a special edition of "good morning america," live from times square with robin, george, josh, sam and lara and honey boo boo. >> the times square shake. there you see honey boo boo right there getting everybody up and at them with the "harlem shake." >> just trying to stay warm. >> yeah. >> they're really just trying to stay warm. >> that's no excuse for honey boo boo down in arkansas. had a great interview with amy robach. robin is off. elizabeth in. great to have josh back from rome. >> great to be back. star deejay and star deejay brendan fallis is upstairs.
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can't wait to share the music with him as we go with amy robach to honey boo boo and that. >> can't wait to see it. >> so good. so good and you know all week long we have been counting down to "dancing with the stars" giant monday premiere with surprise guests hitting the ballroom. you know dorothy hamill, wynonna judd and zendaya and the biggest surprise of all coming up. >> right this moment. get out here tom bergeron. tommy. >> thank you. thank you. i'll come right up. >> hello. >> thank you. that's very nice. >> how is it going. >> elizabeth, before we came back on the air had dared me to hop up here. >> i did. >> and i actually -- >> the strength -- >> i can do it again.
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you think it'll withstand it. >> let's find out. >> let's find out. >> oh. >> all right. >> all right. here we go. >> here we go. >> all right, all right. >> here we go. >> it worked. >> all right. i knew you could do it. >> oh, no. >> here we go. >> yeah. >> oh, my. >> you okay? are you okay? >> how about that tan? >> i thought it was going to be -- >> just like we rehearsed. >> yeah. >> good. >> oh, we're out of time. >> still haven't figured out it's friday. >> yes, very casual friday. >> frisky friday continues, sam. >> that was a dance move right there. and all this about the "harlem shake" is that an official dance that may be coming to "dancing
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with the stars." >> well, i wouldn't be surprised if you see it. >> you should do a honey boo boo theme. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> listen, i have to tell you about everything else we're talking about today because we're talking about your co-host who we love so much, brooke, has a brand-new interview out which she says she doesn't want to look 5 anymore. too bad. because you do. >> i know. >> now she looks 27. >> yes. >> look at that. i mean really. come on now so we'll talk -- >> this is what i have to work with. >> oh, yeah. >> i know. >> she looks fantastic. >> and then also get ready for our "flea market flip" from me coming up later in the half hour. >> first news from josh. we'll begin with the scathing new review of the nation's largest bank also considered one of the most stable. a senate committee investigation has found jpmorgan chase misled
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regulators about a $6 billion trading loss ignoring major risks and trying to hide losses. it could give new momentum now to the push for tighter financial regulations. and another carnival cruise ship is in trouble. the fourth now in a month. this time more than 4,000 passengers on the carnival "legend" have been forced to skip a stop because of problems with the sailing speed. they're slowly, i mean slowly returning to tampa. also this week the carnival "dream" had issues with elevators and toilets. the company is now flying passengers back to florida. another ship had to be escorted by a tugboat and, of course, last month there was that power failure on the "triumph" that forced passengers to sleep on deck stuck in the gulf for days. a dramatic scene in south dakota. two really great samaritans jumped into a raging river there to rest coo a 6-year-old boy. you see him there, he's okay but then those two heroes became engulfed in this massive sea of foam whipped by the strong
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current. the search for them will resume this morning. and engineers are assessing a concert stage in miami this morning after workers setting up for a weekend music festival struck by a large screen that came crashing onto the screen. two workers suffering what are being called life-threatening injuries. "dancing's" julianne hough and she was robbed of three pieces from her car. one included a $50,000 watch. hough returned to her mercedes to find the door wide open. in medical news coffee or tea in the morning. researchers have just finished studying both and they found both green tea and coffee can dramatically reduce your risk of stroke, actually by up to 20%. all you need to do is drink four cups of green tea a day or just a single cup of coffee or six
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and finally, it's confirmed. this violin found in an attic in england, this is a remarkable story, it's the actual violin played on the decks of the "titanic" the night the ship went down. battered and stained but it is now authenticated and expected to fetch more than $600,000 at auction. >> they're going to play it on a carnival cruise ship. >> and then on "dancing with the stars." >> oh, no. >> what? what did i say? >> you are trouble. >> too soon? too soon? >> ooh. >> okay. lara. >> that's it for me. >> would you like to help me with pop news today. >> i would love too. >> feel free to chime in. >> because you know i'm so bashful on the show. >> we begin with what do you know. matthew mcconaughey.
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getting all fresh off the heels of his independent spirit awards. >> yes. >> this just in, he has nice muscles. no, matthew is starting to look more like the mmc that i know and love so much. >> taken a lot of weight of. >> for a movie that's getting a lot of oscar buzz already. now though the weight is back so are the muscles. the star not shy about showing them off on the set of a crime drama called "true detectives." you remember as we were just saying undergoing the transformation. >> looks like early christian bale. >> yeah. do we have a little of "magic mike" we can show to cleanse the palate? no? anyway, his next movie "mud" is out -- >> they had his name bounce. >> yeah. >> pop news. everything moves, jiggles or bounces in pop news. >> everything moves, wiggles,
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jiggles or bounces? >> i'm just being observant. >> also, in pop news ben affleck may have to bring back the beard. jennifer garner got sentimental about the hair at the newt tree jean florida summit looking at pictures from last month's oscars -- >> i'm sorry, the neutrogena sun summit. >> yeah, where a lot of stuff happens. >> yeah. >> i'm never getting through this. and i'm going to try. >> what are they doing at the summit. >> a little more on the back, please. you missed a spot. yeah, oh, that's good. >> anyway, jen likes the beard. >> you said pipe in. >> i did. i did. rumor has it adele -- >> oh, yes. >> is about to -- >> ding, ding, ding. >> have a major -- the oscar and grammy winning center is at the
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center of a bidding war that could fetch her $15 million. she is spectacular looking. flawless and not to mention the voice. just telling "the sun" she would only accept the campaign if it were to her taste. >> this is the sun summit or different? >> i believe this all went down at the sun summit where they were jiggling. >> and bouncing. >> oh, my. >> but she said they would have to incorporate her music in whatever deal she decides to take which shows her power right now in the industry. and finally in pop news today you guys know the beckham who scores, meet the beckham who snores. take a look. >> that's wonderful. >> wow. >> that's really all i have to say. >> good. it's frisky friday. >> that's right from the three stooges. woop, woop.
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>> his owner lindsay posted it on youtube and has gone massively viral. the best way to end pop news on a friday. >> pop news isn't the only world of celebrities, by the way. we get tweeted occasionally in weather by celebrities as well. how about this, this picture of the l.a. fog. brad by bayou, fashion star, shoots this. that's kind of a nice view. shoots the fog rolling in from l.a. when you're in it, the temperatures down dramatic. out of it they jump up. yesterday in burbank we were -- we were in the 90s i think in burba burbank, like 93, 94 in burbank yesterday. meanwhile, cooler, right on temperature, right on target, 77 in l.a. yesterday. we're going for 71 today, even 60s though along the coast with that fog around. i know, it's not so bad compared to what we're seeing in the northeast. here's where all the heat is, spring is next week and it seems to be trapped and doesn't know how to make the left turn and kind of get up into the northeast because it's all the way down into the deep
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>> everybody, have a great friday. that's your weather for the day. lara spencer, what's left on "good morning america." >> i'll tell you, here's what's coming up on "gma" morning menu, brooke burke charvet opening up about her marriage, health scare and why she doesn't want to look 25 anymore. also on the show "here comes honey boo boo," our big interview with america's reality show sweetheart. what you need to know about
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transforming this into cold cash all coming up on "good morning america" from times square. >> "gma's" morning men knew brought to you by coffee-mate. add your flavor naturally. back pain. ight w to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin,
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hey, in times square and we kick off our "gma" heat index now. one of the hottest stories trending coming from your co-host, brooke burke charvet told "health" magazine. she says she wants to look her age, not strive for 25. >> sorry. >> she looks incredible.
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>> i just want to look like her. >> yeah. >> bianna is right here with the story. >> she said she doesn't want to be 25 anymore. she doesn't want to look 25 either but truth be told she doesn't look much older. she looks fit and happy on the cover of next month's "fit" magazine and has had a rough ride with thyroid cancer and it's given her a new outlook in life and helped her deal with aging gracefully. with her megawatt smile brooke may just be swimming in the fountain of youth. >> it's about living a healthy lifestyle and something i believe in and something i try to do every day. >> reporter: after a recent battle with thyroid cancer, the 41-year-old "health" cover model tells the magazine a few wrinkles are the least of her worries saying i don't want to fill in every flaw on my face. i don't to look like a 25-year-old anymore. i want to be my best, healthy self. >> brooke told us she's embracing mother nature.
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these a many would, she's a wife, she's a mother. she's a businesswoman. trying to do the best she can. >> reporter: the mother of four is now cancer-free staying in fighting form with a clean diet and regular exercise saying a little sweat is the best antidepressant. it's like the best medicine in the world." >> she works out. she eats right. she says she has more gratitude for the importance of those things now that she survived that scare. >> reporter: now the "dancing with the stars" co-host is on a prevent tiff health crusade. >> i've been talking about it to help other people. >> reporter: encouraging women to regularly check in with their doctors, something she opened up about on "gma." >> the message is about preventive health because i had no symptoms and generally thyroid cancer is very subtle simms. i went for a regular physical. >> hi, i'm brooke burke charvet. >> reporter: with "dancing with the stars" set to premonday she divulged some confessions. i get emotionally connected to a few contestants. rob kardashian was one.
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it's amazing to see people transform themselves. as for burke charvet she transformed her family's lifestyle passing on her healthy habits to her children. >> i try to share and spread that message because i think the healthier we are, the healthier our life is. >> this is the subject these weigh really embraced and saying i'm healthy, i work out all the time and happened to go to the doctor and found out i had cancer so prevent tiff medicine is something she's advocating right now. >> tom, how's her spirit? >> she's great -- i mean, the thing about her, it's obvious how beautiful she is physically but i have to tell you as swung who works with her all the time, she is such a joy to be in the presence of. she brings such -- all that warmth and positive energy that you see in that piece. she brings that to the show and behind the scenes and in meetings. >> you really sense that. >> no, she's been a great addition to the show and is a dear friend. >> connected to the dancers like
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she does? >> yeah, i think it's inevitable that there will be some that you feel more of an affinity for that i think she mentioned rob is one case where he came in and in some ways he was the lesser known kardashian and then he -- that particular season he was on he had the best few months of any kardashian, frankly, yeah. >> he really was a star. >> yeah and he did transform himself on the show. it was pretty impressive to see. >> we've seen you with kirstie. >> kirstie, yeah. >> all right, thank you very much. >> am i leaving now? >> no, not yet. >> not ever. >> i was going to say is it something i said but clearly i said enough today. >> no, we want more and right now also on our "gma" heat index the one, the only honey boo boo. the world first met honey boo boo on "toddlers & tiaras" and viewers fell in love with her and have become a global phenomenon in the series "here comes honey boo boo."
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abc's amy robach spent time with her and her family. amy, you look like you had the best family. >> it was a lot of fun. in fact, lara, meeting honey boo boo was an experience like no other. that is fair to say. she is smart, she's funny. she's confident and guess what, she's exploding with personality. it's no wonder she is one of the world's biggest and youngest reality show stars. ♪ she is a pop culture icon. >> who are you going to support for president? >> barack obama. >> just the other day honey boo boo endorsed me. >> i saw a little girl and it's like honey boo boo and i'm still driving and rear ended. >> honey boo boo or snooki? >> the sassy subtitled 7-year-old the world knows as honey boo boo. >> leave me alone. i got two sides. why can't my sides be meat. and there's no way to win because i got me a pig. that is one -- my new dress is
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gonna help me with the pageant. >> reporter: so white hot when honey boo boo calls, you come running all the way to mcintyre, georgia. i eventually leave with girl scout cookies but i came with cupcakes. a gift that earned big points for the little star. honey boo boo's real name is alana thompson. >> wait. wait. >> waiting for the star. i sat down with her and mama june for one of the most unique interviews i've ever done. >> aaagh. ♪ all i want to do ooh ooh honey boo boo honey boo boo ♪ >> they are self-proclaimed rednecks and it creates the ambience. >> yay! >> trying to do an interview here. >> okay. really. >> reporter: being on the show is one thing. ♪ rock away baby." >> reporter: but witnessing it in person. >> got her nails all done so she
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ain't going to -- good thing she ain't honey boo boo. >> that's right. i honey boo boo. >> nice. >> reporter: exhausting, we hula hooped, we raced and we tried to sit and talk. now, mama june, was alana always like this? >> all my kids have their own like personality, you know. per se. i allow them to be who they are. >> i just allow them to be whatever they are. talk to the man -- >> talk to the man at pizza hut. there ain't no pizza hut around here. >> reporter: it's like a two-woman show. >> i have three sisters. pumpkin and chickadee is pregnant and chubbs is my favorite. >> reporter: "here comes honey boo boo" is a show about the whole family, alana's big sister and dad sugar bear but make no mistake there's one star that shines brighter. >> i need my beauty sleep! >> nobody will ever lon alana
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like i do. >> ah. >> personally, you know, we got the show and it feels like -- >> what are you sucking up for? >> reporter: how is alana handling all of the fame and all of the pressure that comes with fame. >> alana doesn't realize how fame use she is. she understands the money she gets when she's older. you don't get the money when you're older. you want it now? >> yes. i want a thousand dollars in my pocket right now. >> okay. i'll get you it. no problem. alana's big -- >> oh, i just want it. >> doorknob. doorknob. doorknob. >> manners, not that important to you. >> no, not really. >> going to learn how to cut your food. >> reporter: i had a fun time watching the episode where you have an etiquette teacher come over. >> hot dogs are one of my favorites.
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seriously. >> me too. >> what was that like? >> oh, my god. i don't even know what to tell y'all about that. >> did you learn anything? >> no. i like to eat. >> reporter: when you spend time with her you can't come away but thinking a good chunk of this precocious 7-year-old's is from being loved unconditionally. something mama june hopes will keep her daughters grounded in the crazy world of reality tv. >> whatever you do with your kids make your kids number one. no man, no woman, your kids are number one over anything. >> party. >> yes, it's a party. >> mama. >> if you don't do it, then you're a mean mama. >> reporter: what do you want people to take away from watching the show. >> just know that we're real and that we're not scripted and that we would do anything -- take the shirts off our back. we do a lot for our community and we love each other. >> reporter: and honey boo boo always gets the last word. >> good morning, america, harlem
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shake edition. ♪ ♪ do the harlem shake ♪ >> yeah. >> all right, well, if you're wondering how she got her name, guess what, it might not be that big of a surprise. she gave it to herself. one day she referred to herself as honey boo boo child and it stuck. coming up monday we have more honey boo boo and go to her favorite place in town and mama june will talk about how they and her family are handling that fame and fortune and keeping her daughter -- >> did you want to book a carnival cruise after that interview? >> on the show. >> call-back. >> hey, everybody, you can see "here comes honey boo boo," tlc, we'll be back.
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>> now from abc7 news. >> happening right now hundreds of waste management workers are on strike in the east bay this morning. workers walked off at facilities in oakland, hayward, san leandro and livermore at 3:00 this morning over what they claim are abuse of employee rights. here is how it looks with workers at the entrance with picket signs. the walkout is by the clerical and recycling employees. no word on how it could affect the garbage pickup. we will check out the commute with sue hall. >> it is light. we have a couple of trouble spots. nothing at the san mateo bridge with traffic flowing nicely. we have an issue in san jose 87 northbound, an accident on right shoulder when a car hit a tire causing an accident. they are out of the lanes.
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they are out of the lanes. mike nicco checks [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> high clouds and sunshine with temperatures above average away from the coast and breezy and
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that friday crowd out in times square, deejay brendan fal fallis inside tooils. having a lot of fun and we've been having so much fun with tom bergeron. >> thank you. >> monday's blockbuster "dancing with the stars" premieres and have emmy winning host of the show tom bergeron. this is season 16. you've been with that show from the very start. this is the first time you have a real housewife, the first "american idol" and, of course, you snagged a bachelor. >> yes, yes. >> who is your favorite? do you have any? what are you looking forward to? >> among this group. i haven't seen them in action yet because i'm heading out right after we're done here. i head to the airport and -- >> nothing? >> i haven't seen any rehearsals. i've heard through the grapevine that andy dick is surprising people in that he's much better
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than they expected. >> he came out when you announced the cast and probably did the best -- >> that's hard to do. >> so what i like about this season is we're back to, as i said in a tweet to wynonna judd, the raw fear that we lacked the last time. they were all too good. >> you've had a crop of really good dancers and this seems to be no slight on any of their dancing skills but a really funny group of dancers. entertaining. >> i think so. i think so. just when we did the cast announcement with you guys out in l.a., you could see the chemistry already starting to click among them. so -- >> you mentioned comedian andy dick. you guys are buds. you were both in a movie together. >> "rock slide." >> that huge hit. >> you can see it on showtime at like 3:00 in the morning after the cham-wow spot. >> don't hold on that picture, for god's sake. >> i believe you know randy,
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owner of wonder burger, also a -- >> hello. i am a bartolojist. >> have a seat -- >> it's all in the line reading. >> you delivered it beautifully. >> yeah, yeah. >> but andy isn't the only one with a history. you and i co-hosted this show, "good morning america." >> we did have -- back in 19 -- >> oh, god. >> oh, my god. look at all that brown hair i had. oh. >> and i'm elizabeth vargas in for joan lunden -- >> coming up, we have an incredible -- an incredible medical breakthrough. yesterday we had one for people who suffer from central tremor and parkinson's syndrome. >> oh, man. >> i can't figure out which hair is -- >> i know. i think we were both rocking the 1970s -- it probably was 1997. >> wow. >> wow. >> that was before i discovered
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the wonders of waxing clearly because my eyebrows look like two caterpillars. >> getting back to the show, it really is friday, your nfl -- just had knee surgery and cannot -- >> jacoby. i did not know that. >> he's not able to rehearse at all with karina. >> oh. >> what could go wrong? >> yeah. >> he might be doing that -- >> he's such an actual athlete and has such a natural -- >> think he'll be okay. >> plus, in the had is interest of the show we've had a lot of people dance as if they only had one good leg so it's all right. there's a precedent. >> well, tom bergeron, always fun to have you on. good luck. i'll be watching on monday. >> all right. >> season 16. >> you've burned those tapes about -- >> honey, they're on fire right now. the premiere of "dancing with the stars" is on this monday at
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owing enclose, 7:00 central right here on abc and monday on "gma" we'll take you inside the last rehearsals before the very big night. let's go now to sam for a final check on weather. hey, sam. >> hey. hi, everybody. we didn't really hear. we were talking to the crowd and hey, look, it's miss america, mallory -- >> thank you. >> how long's it been. >> two months exactly. >> all right, and how is it going so far. >> it's going great. i've had a lot of fun and gotten to tour the country already this two months so i'm having a blast. >> a couple of things you go and get the message out. children's miracle network. >> yeah, i visited a few hospitals but the latest one i saw was out in montreal, i was in canada and i'll be going this next week to phoenix so i have a lot of visits coming up. >> we appreciate canada. you are miss america, just saying. but the other thing, god love you, you are doing so much after sandy for the folks who need some recovery. former miss new york. >> yeah, well, as miss new york
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i had the opportunity to go to staten island and help but as miss america, i actually got to be a part of the fairway market re-opening. a good symbol of hope that everything is coming around and we'll be back there soon. >> speaking of being back there soon aren't we headed to atlantic city for the miss america pageant? >> we are. i'm so excited. i'm so excited. >> yeah. >> i'm very excited. september, i am super stoked we're bringing back the history to atlantic city and have such a positive, you know, outlook on it. it's great. >> your reign isn't going to be any shorter. you will always be our miss america. >> thank you. >> we love you and come back any time. >> thanks for having me. >> a little quick look at the boards. show you what's going on on your friday. quick look out of lake charles, louisiana, where it is a little warm in branford, connecticut where the sun is shining but certainly is not warm. st. patrick's day, a little look
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in case you're celebrating, dublin, georgia, emerald, washington, shamrock, maryland and where the snow is going over the next couple little systems pulling out of the great lakes and go to extreme northern new england. >> love each and every one of you for being with us this morning. all that weather was brought to you by crayola. >> let's go back inside to george. >> thank you so much. all week long we've been meeting the amazing cast of t"te incredible burt wonderstone". now steve buscemi playing the long suffering partner. take a look. >> you need to rehearse, anton.
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i don't. >> fine. >> not this guy. >> aaagh. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> yes, you can. >> it's so small. >> it's not even five minutes. >> no, give me it. a. agh! >> and steve joins us now. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> that's one hairy scene. >> yeah. >> way above the las vegas strip and from what i hear, nobody out there cared. >> people, you know, we had to hire people to care, yeah. people just walked by and they kind of glanced up but it wasn't that big of a deal. >> falling out of the box. no big deal at all. another day in las vegas. >> i guess so, yeah. >> this character is a little bit of a departure for you. very sweet, sweet character. >> he is very sweet, yes.
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and i think that's what drew me to it. the fact i was working with steve carell and jim carrey, olivia wilde and james gandolfini. >> again. >> again and don, the director i worked with on "30 rock" so it was just -- you can't say no. i just love the character and the writing and -- >> we got the sense from that both steve and jim were here and you played around on set a lot, as well. >> yeah, the dancing is something that steve carell and i would improvise a lot. he started it. i would just follow him. >> do you have any background in magic? were you a magic kid, as well. >> yeah, i had a magic kit that had like a littttle by guilloti. it's not hard to pull that off but i had a jerry mahony doll.
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i was into that. >> you got to go back home with all this. >> like being a kid again. >> and another big season of "boardwalk empire" coming up. >> just came back with season 4. >> steve buscemi, thanks very much. when we come back, lara spencer will show us our passion. "incredible burt wonderstone" opens today around the country. ♪ shop around
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>> "gma" and emeril are at it again kicking off with his mother's breakfast in bed. >> who wouldn't want that served up by emeril lagasse. >> go to on yahoo! to find out how to enter. >> yeah, every mom deserves that. welcome back, everybody. deejay friday is on and tonight, well, my hdtv mie other life, my weekend warrior passion begins on with the premiere of "flea market flip." two teams going head to head finding, fixing and flipping their flea market finds hopefully for big profit. >> look at that. ♪ >> look at that. that's nice. >> it's gone. >> every dollar counts. it's all in the final process. >> welcome to "flea market flip" where two teams armed with sky's
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the limit design dreams. >> i was thinking of maybe lightening them up somehow. >> make do with a very down to earth budget of $500. >> with the best price. >> 180. >> just one hour to race against the clock and each other. >> you're going to have to look and really dig for the treasures. you think you can? >> with a little help. >> how are you going to make this design and not danger. >> these diamonds in the rough will be transformed from junk to gems. then resold. >> all right, guys. 125. >> perfect, thank you so much. >> whichever team wins they go home $500 richer. that one chance and big risk paid off. being part of the show inspires my inner picker. >> oh, my god. what about this. >> picker. >> make sure your piece is not plugged in when you do this. >> and flipper. >> sold. ♪ >> this has an entire trunk
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filled with artwork that all came out of a house and he said a dollar a piece. how do you know i'm not going to find a lost picasso. >> i hope you do and we'll split it. >> he's got frames here for a buck apiece. they were a dollar each and i went with all similar shades of brown, if you're going to do a gallery you want there to be a theme or a color that runs through. >> nice to see you. >> caught my eye across the way. i want to get this one. >> i don't know who the artist is but clearly very talented. >> i'll get this. >> i sold one for 50 and spent $10 on all of them. even selling one i made a profit. after paying $1 a piece and another $1 each with the frames i'm walking away with $48 in profit. not bad for a $2 investment. vintage desk and chair. asking $90. this is good. the chair has a great shape.
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i would change out these knobs and i guarantee you we could make a profit. it's priced at 90. kind of the end of the day, what are you feeling. >> bottom price? >> bottom price. >> $68. >> 68. random but i like it. >> on the left, a super fun modern fabric. change this. the solid wood. has its original key. >> can we get 170 for it? >> are you doing it with the chair? >> would you do 180. >> yes. i would. you guys take credit cards. >> sure. >> enjoy it. >> thank you. >> i will. >> sad to see it go. turns out i can sell the chair on its own for more faneuil if i sold it as part of the set. >> would you take $100 for it? >> would you do 110? >> i'll do 110. >> deal. >> so after paying a total of $68 for the desk set, i sold the desk for 180, the chair for 110
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for a total of $290 and that's profit of 222 bucks. >> drinks are on me, team. drinks are on me. if i can do it, you can do it. i want to give you guys one idea. all about sort of seeing things in a different way. i was at a flea market. you can see me here looking at this wheel except i didn't see it as a wheel. i saw it as a side table so i flipped it on its side and i got a piece of glass cut and i had to cut off -- i had my team cut off the top. this was on the bottom as well so it's flat and stable. now it's this great industrial look. i paid $20 for the wheel and i've seen things like this in antique stores and even at big chain stores for hundreds of dollars. just about thinking outside the box. >> again, lara, this has been your life. this -- >> since i was a toddler with mom and now a passion. check out for tips and hopefully enjoy "flea market flip" premiering on hdtv.
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>> let's make some money. coming up, jack hanna. we're getting wild because it's friday.
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whoo! it is great to have our dear friend jack hanna, host of "jack hanna's wild countdown here." >> i like to say on saturday you come to "jack hanna's wild countdown" and stay for "sea rescue". >> these are six weeks old. >> they only get twice as big full grown. the smallest fox in the word. people look at the big ears, they look funny. without those they would not live. elephant has big ears with 30,000 muscles. in northern africa, if it didn't have it, it would die. the tongue controls a dog's temperature. they do too. >> incredibly calm. snuggles right up.
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>> we raised it at the zoo and these animals can drink no water -- they get it from the lizards, that kind of thing. >> wow. >> beautiful creature. >> perfectly adaptable to their environment. >> insects, everything. >> jack did what he always do, after we're holding -- i don't know if you want to actually hold those things. >> yeah. >> watch this. >> a s echerami. from south africa. he uses a rock to kill the lizard in the wild and takes it like this and says, i can't shake it, i'll pick it up and knock him on a rock. >> like you're calling the play there. >> i tell you. >> is he always like that. >> he knows he can't kill a lizard on the grass. it's the funniest thing in the world you've ever seen. >> a lot of pbs for kids on the dinosaur expert. you can see the dinosaur. >> very ancient animal. they also have -- only bird in
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the world with eyelashes. i can't see them but they're amazing. >> i can see them. they're for what. >> i guess to pick up another animal. >> can you wink if you don't have eyelashes, josh? >> what a fascinating plume and i'm sorry, it's plastic, buddy. it's going to be -- >> i think he's trying to figure it out. one more time. pick it back up. pick up that lizard. >> something we'll never see. >> they hail from -- >> south america, the prehistoric bird, one of the most prehistoric birds on the planet. >> unbelievable. >> the funniest thing. >> amazing that -- uh-oh. >> a vested tamadoan. the stinker of the forest. >> it's called a what as he gives it to me. >> his tongue is 8 inches long and can eat 10,000 termites an hour. the claws are all right. it's just -- >> what do you mean it's just
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what, jack. but it's just what -- oh! >> that's okay. >> everything is fine. >> the fox may have -- the fox may be having a lunch right now. >> why is this -- why is this called the stinker of the forest. >> they have an odor. panama last week and emit -- >> coming straight out of the fur, the body odor. >> this animal lives his whole life. >> it's rich. it's a very -- >> in all seriousness do you feel his tongue on your leg? >> i sure do. >> they can eat like 10,000 termites an hour. a possum like and film them in panama and turn green, by the way. ail gray grows in the forest and they're hard to find. >> again, it is fantastic to see you. ooh, sorry, buddy. "jack hanna's wild countdown" followed by some other show -- >> we could go for hours but
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josh has to get rid of the giant stink animal. >> we'll be right back. stick around.
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kolh's, expect great things. ♪ >> "dancing with the stars" premiere. >> that's right. and black eyed peas will be here live in times square >> that's right. >> outtakes from the interview with honey boo boo. not sure what differentiates between the out-takes and the interview. [ cheers ]
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>> the st. patrick's day is upon us followed by a big parade. how will the weather be? mike? >> it will be in the low 60's and breezy and cooler than today at 66 in san francisco. here is the accweather seven-day outlook, temperatures are slightly cooler through the holiday weekend and breezy. rain tuesday and wednesday. >> late commute crashes in oakland at 880, at 29, the accident is cleared but it is a slow stretch of traffic through oakland and to mountain view a motorcycle is down northbound
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101, and that is blocking the right lane of traffic. kristen? >> join us for the midday news at announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, one of hollywood's busiest actors, ryan reynolds. and from the drama "the following," james purefoy. plus, we'll announce the unstoppable mom that you chose to take home $100,000 grand prize. all next on the emmy-award winning "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause]
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cheers and applause] kelly: oh my goodness. hi! it's a friday crowd! thank god it's friday, march 15, 2013. the ides of march are upon us! michael: yes, hello everybody. [cheers and applause] thekelly: do you know about th ides of march? michael: no. [laughter] kelly: well, the ides of march on the roman calendar is marked by several religious observe vanses and became notorious as the date of the assassination of jewelies caesar. michael: yeah, i know y'all are not that interested. oh, tell us more!


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